Mykola Tomenko: The Constitution of Ukraine should be adopted by the Parliament, not by the President´s Secretariat. 

Mykola Tomenko, Vice-Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, made the abovementioned statement commenting on one of warnings of "Our Ukraine" directed against BYuT concerning the fact that a Draft of a new Constitution should be agreed by the council of the Coalition, and submitted to the Parliament jointly by the Coalition, not only by the BYuT representatives.   

"BYuT is liable to propose its own version of the Constitution that can become the document of entire Parliament on being discussed by the public, experts and People´s Deputies. "A Concept of a New Version of the Constitution" was presented on behalf of the President of Ukraine. In this document the President´s Secretariat envisaged the so-called "triune" combination of President‘s authorities, actual leader of judicial and law enforcement systems in one person, which violates the principles of democracy and regulations of the Coalition agreement", - stated Mykola Tomenko.  

"We will submit our version of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, and the Parliament will adopt a final resolution, having discussed it with the public and experts. It is vitally important that introduction of amendments to the effective Constitution should eliminate multiple authority in Ukraine, and prevent concentration of authority in the hands of one person. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly delineate authorities of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President and the system of executive bodies; enhance election system and secure authoritativeness of the local self-govenrment", - stated Mykola Tomenko.  


Press Service of M.V.Tomenko


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